Louisiana, MO – $95,000

3 bedrooms | 1 bath | 2,520 square feet

Built in 1871

Missouri loves company, so the good folks of Louisiana, MO will be happy to welcome you to their quaint, historical town. Honestly, this house isn’t anything over the top, but I was instantly drawn to it like a moth to a flame, and there’s plenty of spookiness to be found. It definitely needs a ton of renovation, but for $95,000, you can’t go wrong!

Here’s the realtor’s description.

“Late 1800s Italianate Victorian in Missouri’s Picturesque Rivertown. Owner started renovation, a labor of love. Circumstances have her realizing she won’t be able to complete what she started. It’s her sincere wish that a new owner will take over where she’s left off. Many hours/$$ invested, providing a head start for you! Detailed records have been kept, showing projects completed thus far. You’ll be pleased to know the structure is sound, exterior has been tuck-pointed, wiring, copper plumbing, dual/zoned HVAC system, roof replaced… and MORE. Too much to list here so be sure to ask for supplemental docs/drawings for more info. Proof of cash funds to show (or verified preapproval letter showing special financing as lenders saying conventional loan not an option.)”

Here’s the listing.

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